Teen Philanthropy

The JCFC Teen Philanthropy Camp and Dorshei Tzedec Program are part of 133 registered programs across North America that help teens explore Jewish values, grow as Jewish leaders and engage in building Jewish communities.
In the past years the JCFC has hosted Teen Philanthropy Camp programs at Camp BB Riback. This program engages grade ten students in an eight-hour philanthropy program. The students are introduced to the eight steps of philanthropy and the program ends in the award of a $1000 grant to an Alberta non profit organization.
The majority of the participants have already been involved in service projects and charitable fundraising, either through B’nai Mitzvah programs or school projects. In a group discussion the teens recounted the charitable activities they’ve been involved in this year. These projects involved dozens of volunteer hours and raising a over $35,000 for a variety of causes. The Teen Philanthropy program enhances their ability to make sound decisions independently, as part of a group, or family setting and completes the circle of philanthropy for each participant.
The annual teen philanthropy camp experience is generously funded and supported by B’nai Brith Lodge Calgary.